configA configuration of rendering schedule the render shot is executed by.
supplyPre-renderer supply. Pre-rendering would stop once this supply is cut off.
This is the same supply as the one returned from preRenderBy.
Postpones render shot so that it is executed after all currently executed render shots.
This may be useful e.g. when the render shot issues a synchronous page reflow. In this case postponing it until after all DOM modifications done would help reduce layout thrashing.
Postponed render shots are executed in reverse order.
A render shot to postpone.
Delegates component pre-rendering to another pre-renderer.
After this method call the given pre-renderer will be used to pre-render the component instead of currently executing one.
The given pre-renderer will be executed immediately after currently executing one, unless they are the same.
A pre-renderer to delegate component pre-rendering to.
Enables component rendering by the given renderer
when pre-rendering completes.
A renderer to delegate component rendering to.
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Component pre-renderer execution context.
This is passed to component pre-renderer when the latter executed.